Tag Archives: schizophrenic

Day 870 – patterns of schizophrenic paranoia

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in a state of war within my mind of playing games between my personalities where the one is always after the other and that this war game and chase of myself as different personalities, is how my schizophrenia is rigged and programmed to play itself out and that is what is going on within my mind of 2-3 personalities are constantly chasing each other around and around in my mind – creating a living hell. My solution to this is to forgive the energies that keep me an addict to the personalities/polarities/believes – to release myself from the mind addiction and find myself grounded and aware in my physical body.

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to live in distrust, fear, hate, paranoia and simply tons of emotional bothers that I would hold against my personalities one at the time – where the one lashing out in emotions at others is also a personality, and that is why it seam impossible to get out of.  Within this I realize how difficult it is to find stability within my mind – but I will keep at it – working my way through the schizophrenic labyrinth of hell.

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to fool myself into a state of constant war against myself – with different personalities carrying different traits all part of me – part of my responsibility to sort out because even though it is all fake in the sense of being only feelings and emotions, thoughts, opinions, believes etc – I still have to take responsibility for it as it is me who is reacting to it.

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself for information that I stumble over that make me go into this state of absoluteness and static depression, prostrative, paranoia from taking in different information, and I feel like I can’t get out and I need to talk to someone and lift on my veil – that is my best remedy atm to air out my mind and voice myself on being stuck in my own rut of paranoia.

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to take on new information that might shake things up a bit that is controversial and that many would say is conspiracy, that might resonate with my own finding of reality and matter, where I often go into this absoluteness and static state and can’t get out of – but force myself to stay in, until my prostrative paranoia breaks loose and I have to seek support in order to vent out my mind. What happens is literally a disaster where paranoia takes over – until I can vent it out and find stability in the sense that we are all in it together and that we are facing consequences not only for ourself but for generations past.

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to mystify the words “paranoia is the mother of thought” – where I believe that I belong in that state and awareness, I have to create and nurture in this paranoid state – failing to see that it is  a poisonous (paranoid) state of mind, and that I don’t need to think to be alive – and I see today what I do then, is that I take on the sins of the fathers – I feel guilt and believe I must think my way out of it – and literally take on lots programs from my forefathers and that this math then is the creation of my thoughts aka paranoia that I experience often from reading information and theories that shake things up – like with conspiracy theories, where I realise today, what sort of math these theories operate with is often in concern of past – history – going way back in time to past generations and literally facing the sins of the fathers today, and this resonate also with me and I therefor take it on and place the sins of my forefathers and guilt on myself and this load make me feel depressed, prostrative and paranoid and is a leading cause of my mental problems of today. Within this I find it important to note that a lot of these theories all carry truth to them – its just a matter of knowing who self is and what is self responsibility and what we must let go of as our collective past to be able to create something new.

Day 863 – self forgiveness process of life

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to walk around myself like on eggshells, fearing to make mistakes and fearing to screw up – giving into this personality of clamming to be neutral in life, where I fear to commit and I feel like backing out and not being seen or heard,  sinking into me with no direction or plan – just wanting to vaporate as a being, within this I realize and see within me that making mistakes and doing “wrong” is part of life – that is how we learn to do stuff – right – and further I commit myself to simply do – to act to be and to live – and to not fear the mistake – but take it as a part of a learning curve. Also further than that – when I make a mistake – I commit to embrace myself and what goes down – completely – I commit myself to LOVE myself and the mistakes I do – fully and completely, again as a part of learning.


I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself for the dominance of my inherent schizophrenia structure – personality platform – within my mind and now within my body – that is the core of schizophrenia to me – a sort of stage or platform for 2 or 3 personalities to fight/balance each other out – and to conquer each other seemingly eternally in a fight for dominance over me, instead of realizing that even If there is such a sick game in my mind, I know and have proven that I can still take charge of the physical  & being of me, to direct myself and move according to what I can assess in the moment is best for all – and not go into the seemingly endless schizophrenic depression and sorrow – that I recognize within most people living with this illness.


I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel insecure and in doubt and worry of my own being – where I fear to make mistakes, and I fear to screw up this math and recipe of mind system – leaving me then in a state of deep penetrating anxiety and I drain myself by giving into this anxiety that is a polarity and a program of my mind that is mining my physical to keep up the looping and polarity games in my mind, and this seeing and responsibility of know-about – that the mind box extracts physical resources from my physical body to keep running its systems of polarity and believes of mind – just like big cooperates exploit he natural earth for its recourses – and neither is sustainable – so I am ending my own inner exploiting and abuse of me as a natural physical being – giving life back to life.


I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel defeated and in sorrow over being presented information about what some people are willing to do to hold on to assumed power, position and money, meaning what level of inner greed and corruption and deep down abuse that humanity is willing to accept as a part of their own mind – inner reality and THEREFOR also on the outer external reality and life that we face and live. Within this I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel defeated,  depressed and inferior in comparing to specific people that live under certain conditions, codes and certain laws – where I find in myself and I see in another that specific concept that even though there are people who are wiling and also that in structured manifest and family weapon etc – in all obviousness – present themselves as abusers to stay in power and money positions, that still tells me that : I am looking at the man in the mirror and THAT person is who I have to deal with – that my inner most sick demons that have been part of my thoughts and reality in this life –  are equally mine to forgive, alter and change as self.


Also within this I find that awareness and knowhow from the dimensions and where Mykey tells me through the portal:  That which I find unforgivable and impossible to accept as myself – where I keep judging myself is where my view and movement is skewed into a position of judging myself – because that – back then I could have made better choices and lived a better life,  but I did not, and the abuse that I lived, I then need to view today as a story – and what I can then do to alter my standing and within that my understanding of my own position and belonging to such story. And it is within that UNDERSTANDING of self as a partaker in a story – that I can go back into the memory/story and live it differently (!)  to free myself from the system placement and energy addiction with mind consciousness system of the memory by forgiving myself – AND change myself as the partaker in the story, and end the self judgement. Meaning I needed to go back to my stories that where haunting me and rewrite my experience of the stories. I needed to rewrite the story – this will not change the past – but I can change the story – and it will change who I will be in the present and so the future.



Day 845 – The schizophrenic sheep

Saturday 21.09.19 I was in the mountains behind the municipality of Sauda, south west Norway. We where near the water of Slettedalsvanet, in Slettedalen.

In early summer we drive most all of our 100 or so, sheep from the Hogganvik farm up to Slettedalen so they can be self sufficient with grass all summer long. This procedure is done by most all sheep farmers in Norway.


I woke 04:50 that morning in order to prepare myself for the 1,5-hour drive to the site of the gathering. I had been a little anxious about it all and I was glad to start the drive. When I arrived at 06:40 there was greetings, breakfast, coffee, and a warm stove.

We were about 10 people from different farms who had sheep there, who were walking in the mountain to locate sheep – and bring them down to the large pen where we would separate them to the different farms of where the sheep will be for the winter.

It all started very well and we walked deep into the valley, away from the pen and our cars.  I walked up into a mountain side, from where I would walk in a way that where painful for my feet over time. I was walking straight forward in a 45-degree hill. So that my feet would be forced sideways, almost sliding, and by this create a burning under my feet. It felt like blisters after a while. I walked like this for about 3 hours. I considered to cool down my feet in a river, but I thought that I did not have a towel to dry and that it would compromise my comfort with being wet on my feet.  I see now that I was overthinking the issue and that I should have simply cooled down in water sooner. Later when my feet where really soar after walking – I did dip them into the very cold mountain water. And if there is something, I have learned to appreciate in later years it is to properly cool down in water.  And this water was really freezing – and a lovely relief for my feet.  After that I was still walking down towards the pen, still scouting for sheep. At this point I was alone and walking steady back down in direction the pen.

Then I discovered 7 sheep.  I could hear their bells from far, but now I saw them. I was standing 70 meters from them and catching my breathe, and they were standing and looking at me, and I thought; I want to share myself to the sheep for the best possible outcome of the intention of mine – to bring them down to the pen.


So, I decided in that moment – to go back to my principle when working with animals. To do what I can to make sure things are done in deep consideration and respect for the animal – when I handle animals. That is one of the principles that I made to myself when I came to Hogganvik village and farm.

So instead of me going into my mind box, thinking about what to so, I decided to share in speech to the sheep, my ideas and intent. I told the sheep, in spoken words, something like this: “Listen up guys, my feet are hurting and I don’t feel much like running after you, so let’s cooperate and find the best way for us to together to come down to the pen, ok”


Now I am not a sheep whistler, lol but like I say I have my principles and I do know how it could compromise the situation, if I was to go into reactions, anger, fear or emotions else. If I go into emotions and reactions, they will notice that and possibly take of in some other direction – out of fear. Its about principles and within that, integrity and understanding.


There was a brown sheep that was the leader of the pack of 7, easy to notice, and I was saying these words to her. So, after stating this they still stood still, breathing under the heavy wool having grown on their back all summer. Then I made sure I was clear of reactions – I started to clap my hands and say “HOI” and “let’s go” – so that they started moving. I was a little nervous that they might suddenly take of in another direction, but the whole situation evolved fine. The leader sheep had experience and knew where we where going. So, all of a sudden, to my surprise we were all suddenly down by the pen. The sheep had stopped, outside the pen and seamed not willing to enter. And again, I took to talking my inside to them, in self honesty, telling them I really did not have the strength to run after them into the woods and that the door to the pen was open, lets move inside. After some back and forth, some testing of each other, I stayed on my principles and I managed to get all 7 inside the pen.  I told the brown leader sheep, that, I would write a text on the experience and so I did!

After this I was still catching my breathe, and calming down, I again went for a dip of feet in water.

Which was again even more to my likings. And I felt deeply empowered and strengthened from having actually talked the sheep into cooperation, knowing deep within the sanity of that and not needing to run after them into everywhere out of reactions, emotions and projections. My physical body – and my being have made me aware of how this cooperation between me and the sheep, really did play out and evolve, and it is really so simple – yet we make it so complicated.


So brown leader sheep & group of 7 – this is for you guys and cooperation of beings.

I drove back home to the village that afternoon – from having spent the whole day in the mountains. My body was aching and soar and yet my spirit was so high lol. I felt marvellous and I was so content with classical music on the radio, my body all exhausted and my being so fresh and renewed!

Thank you Slettedalen!

Pictures from the event:







For a deeper understanding of sheep :




Day 761 – symmetry and play

About a year ago I  was given some specific words to investigate, to redefine and live. One of these words was the word symmetry. Now I have been studying some various sources of what is the definition of symmetry. And it seem to me that most have several meanings to this word. It holds several definitions.

I would think , to myself,  I need to break it down in one core definition. Like this ultimate definition of this word. Failing to see that it can actually mean more than one thing. It can have multiple definitions.


So with these thoughts spinning in my mind, with its pro an con’s. I  thought, I have to nail this in one definite meaning.  So I posted on facebook this picture, of what I thought was the definition of this word.



I posted it without much consideration on facebook, and thought it is mostly word play. I wanted to play with this word so I posted it, not taking it ever to serious what definition I had given this word. I was like testing it out.

To me it was mostly play. And that right there is my core issue. If I post something out of play and … testing out to myself, like playing with the word/issue. Then do I have to say that – hey this here is play ? Do I have to make a sticker on the post saying obs, obs, be aware this is me playing ??

What is play ? How do I define play ?


Because in the eyes of the observer, who reads my facebook post, how should he or she know that “hey, this is a joke” – more or less.  This is not serious or .. real, it is a  joke. And how is it that I hereby make play invalid and wrong ?

Interesting huh ?


If someone is playing, than it should then show, that this someone is playing.  No?  Is this not about being clear in ones stand ? Yes it does. So if I was clear in my stand, It would show that this was playing ?…  I am not sure if this is right, and that is from not knowing myself good enough. From not knowing 100% my standing and purpose. It creates insecurities and doubt, do you agree ?


So for me this was a alarm going off. Saying to myself to be clear. To know myself. And to work on de constructing and removing my personality of uncertainty and doubt. So it seem like my personality of uncertainty and doubt have been playing me for a fool here.

So this goes to show that I need to redefine play to myself – because as of now it is not clear.  And to continue on finding my definition to the word symmetry.


Thanks for reading


Check out the links:









Day 760 – My voices in my head

A relationship between me and my voices


girl face

drawing by:  Tormod Hvidsten Gjedrem


This is very clinical about my voices*


I realize that I have been living a pattern. A particular pattern concerning my thoughts/backchats/voices. Many times I have experienced voices and “loud” thoughts. Sometimes I experience these as very scary messages. They come from within myself and is a direct result of my schizophrenia/programming. They are my responsibility to handle, heal and/or live with.

It can be tough sometimes. Here; it is my relationship to the word “tough” that I need to look at, to not fuel the mind and the voices further. I hope you get the picture. Feel free to contact me if you don’t.


A peculiar thing is that have characterized my voices like saying that this particular voice is “scary”, or it is “bad” or “evil”. I would give energies/characterization and fuel/power to the voices/thoughts, by sorting them out to myself. I would give this voice the characterization of horror or hell, wicked, spiteful  or evil …. and so on.


What I have not seen and realized before now is that,  by characterizing and giving the voices energy/verdict, I give them fuel. I grant them access in my mind and in my head through energies. Voices in  my head – granted to be there – acting out because I gave them the specific energy to burn with, like fuel on a engine. Running crazy in my head with voices – because I give the voices a certain energy, by characterizing it.

This buck stops right here !

I will stop feeding my voices/thoughts with energies. I don’t need to characterize my voices, rather deal with them in self honesty, self responsibility and what is best for all. I will expose my schizophrenia and share what I find. I will support myself through this process as best I can.


self forgiveness on the point :

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give voices and thoughts in my head and in my mind certain energies and characterizations, like a value or fuel for the thought/voice to be and function in my head, of how I experience it out of my pre programming, and then giving it a purpose with how I place value on it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize why I have voices in my head, I had forgiven them, failing to see and realize that I judged and characterized the voice that was in my head and by that fueling it more.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to need to characterize my voices out of how I am programmed to value, judge and criticize everything around me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to appreciate me here, and Instead give into energies and voices in my head/mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be-lie-ve that I have to attach value to my voices and to characterize them, from old habit,  when this only fuels them with more power.



self commitment:

I commit myself to not give judging or characterization to my voices, as it will only fuel more voices in my head.

I commit myself to appreciate me here as life and to not “feed” my thoughts/voices with energies.

my video on this point:


Thanks for reading !


Please give time to the links:







Day 749 – Becoming more of me – expanding through living words


my beingness signature drawing



Becoming more of me – expanding through living words.

Rediscover writing and redefining living words.

How to push through limiting believes about self, empower, learn and expand.


I have come to believe that I am lazy and bored, slightly depressed, and that is how my schizophrenic life should be like. A believe. That have become the result of how I defined the words, organized,  structured, symmetrical, and also colorful. I have been pushing this notion or idea that I can’t write any longer. My writing skills are apparently gone, or that I have written it all out already. That I am done and my process is complete. Like I have now transcended into the skies and there is nothing more to write about lol.


This is a typical believe of limitations. My definition of the word organized (and the other words) was simply not the “right” definition. It was not what is best for all. It left me bored and dull… slightly depressed –  and that is something specific for me to learn from. What within my definition of these words was so wrong that it led me to boredom/lazy/depression ?

So my thinking and limiting believes have been; “I am done”, “It is complete”, “I don’t want to bother no more”, “I have done my share” – ending up within my definition of these words – as a lazy bum. Boredom and depression as backchats within my mind – creating the limiting believes.



picture i did


So from here I must rise up and find a purpose for myself  – by redefining these words – again – and expand within so. And by exactly using these words (organized, structured, symmetrical, colorful) within this process of organizing/rising up. Taking in organized to my “within” taking it in to direct my emotions and my thoughts. How the fuck does one take in a word to direct one emotions and thoughts ? lolol

It is as simple as it is hard. First one must understand the basics of mind and energies and thinking. I would strongly recommend to  investigate to learn such in depth and understanding, through the platform of desteni.

My emotions usually rise from my solar plexus, and from there up into the system of me/mind/system. So I take in the word organized to live within, and to direct my thoughts and my emotions to something better than the usually programming/system. How can I adjust myself, to take direction of my emotions and my thinking ? I know a thing or two on how energies work in the body and in the mind. So if I can make my definition of these words a more specific one, so that these words could help me sort out my ; emotions and thinking.


A very specific thing here is to see that believes are so very limiting of our being. Believes that are created from backchats. ” I believe that my life must be dull and grey – from old habit” – and so on. I made a believe that my writing skills had vaporized or that I had changed so much there was  nothing more for me to write on. Like I was too good for it. I believed to had ameliorated myself to a new level. To cool for school lol. I realize that I have made my life difficult and hard by not writing. Writing is a such a gift to not be underestimated, I had suppressed my writing by thinking I was done.


So now I take on this living word, organized within, to give it a new definition and a clear direction.  I have limited myself enough from believing in different personalities, and constructs of mind. Now it is time to look at the word organized in depth and see how it can assist me in my life.

I now need to expand myself within these words. So what I need to look at is to see within these words to see what with my previous definition went wrong ? My previous definition was by organized; to have such a arrangement of details that all involved parts are comfortable.


So how do I redefine a word ? To redefine a word I must learn the word  to know,  and then after knowing it I can make a definition – based on what is best for all. For more living words check out SOUL  and destonian wiki.


Organized. New definition:

is to have the comfort and mobility to take action and do what is required to become empowered.

self forgiveness:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take on limiting believes from backchats like “I am done”, “this is it for me”, “I am done with writing”, “till here no further with writing”.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in backchats/voices of mind saying “you suck”, “you are not worthy”, “you are to lazy”, “you are a retard” – manifesting as believes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live this believe within myself as I would start to give more and more energies and thinking to it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel bad for defining a word “wrong”.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see myself the deceit within my process of refusing to write.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself and blame myself for making a “wrong” within redefining words.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel bad and judgmental from having all these playoffs  that I tell myself I should have noticed before they made my reality so filled with believes/personalities.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the backchat, “I am too week for this”, “I suck at this”, “I am no good at this”, “I should not do this”, “I should just be elsewhere.”


Now that I see this and have pushed through there it is a clarity within.

Clarity/realizations  are:

– If I postpone my writing it easily piles up and becomes difficult the more I postpone it.

– Backchats/voices/thoughts makeup the believes that eventually limit me.

– I can take on these words again and redefine them as many times as I need to make it perfect.

– Writing is fun and creative, I learn lots from writing.

– I also learn from pushing through and seeing what makes up what of components and energy, so I can  avoid going into the same trap again.


I will now take on the word organized and see how I can live it within, and to direct my systems within.











Thank you !


Day 736 – emotional target

carrying the blueprint of schizophrenia – more easy emotional target of mind



photo from Karlsøya, Troms, 2008 (?)


I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as weak and fragile, and for more easy take on energies such as anxiety from my daily living application.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not get over anxiety.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel like a victim in some strange game of life where I fail to see that I make these choices myself from within and how I chose to live my life breath by breathe.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think I could delete my schizophrenia in total by forgiving all its components something i am doing, and untill i have done this i will easy be a target for emotions to knock me out in my daily life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make myself into a easy pray for emotions/mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fail to see how i make a choice in choosing to take on energies and emotions or components within and how i am the one making these choices – i must take responsibility for it, move forgive and change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to think it is a very firm and “made” fact that since i have schizophrenia i more easy sway into emotions, failing to realize that anything is possible and i am a creator of this world to crate my own destiny.



Here I talk about schizophrenia and my insights










Day 722 – Schizophrenic shepherd

Schizophrenic shepherd

In Norway, most sheep, together with lamb, are sent into the mountain for grassing all summer. Then we have to walk great distances every fall to get them down from mountain to farms and housing/slaughter for winter.


I spent the weekend from 17 / 18 September 2016 with collecting sheep from the mountains.  The trip is a part of what comes with living in this camphill village where I am at.  The trip was two days, with sleep in a cabin,  walking in nature and with lovely weather.  At first I was nervous and not ready to do the walk/trip – and did not feel like attending. Then I thought it over and decided to go. We drove early Saturday morning 06:00 and arrived for breakfast on the same morning at the cabin. We started walking about 09:00 and we walked till 16:00 that day.


I was walking and shepherding, with my friend Ilja and we early found sheep on Saturday. I would be communicating lots with the sheep and I feel certain it was important to do so. If you are able to communicate with out to much “mind blabbering” it is a key to do so in any relation.  I also got to walk some important mind points with myself and my past when I was there. Now, night of Sunday we have most all our sheep down from the mountain. Only 4 lamb of total 100 lams are now missing.

All in all it was a great walk and  lots of sweat and soar legs from two days of mountain walking, with farmers and sheep in nice weather, Indian summer of Norway.


Check out the pictures: enjoy your breathe:


World view: Sunday 18.09.2016



our cabin “Fjellro” where 10 people was sleeping (one night)


jump for joy



Ilja power-napping


world/word view


Two waters in Sauda



Why we where walking for 2 days

dragon fly.jpg

Dragon fly in grass

Thank you Slettedalen / Sauda / Earth




Day 630 – My emotional life – overview

I mapped out my childhood. I have been working with self forgiveness for 4 years now and I have mapped out my entire childhood and larger parts of my past. Things I had forgotten and suppressed, hidden, that I have all forgiven in detail. I reached a new transcendence and a point of change within my living. My whole childhood is now mapped out to me. I have a overview, a perspective on my life. The details are many, traumatic and quite complicated. This is simply a  overview. Through self forgiveness and corrections, I have now worked through all the energies and complications within this past.  It is quite a relief to have reached this point of clarity. My emotional life goes something like this:


Child nude play with second cousins – being caught by grandmother at age 5- 6

Finding porn magazines near road, keeping as treasures age 7 – 16

Being bullied at school by older students / later bullying others all through school age 7- 16

Nightmares / psychosis fever fantasy at home age 9 – 16

Demonic thoughts/gruesome thoughts/possession age 10 – 12

Suicidal thoughts age 13

Actively sabotaging school / society doing crime age 14 – 20

Psychiatry and drugs, alcohol, sex, porn and drama age 20 – 33

Starting to work on self forgiveness in 2012 (33 – present)


Don’t get me wrong… there was also happy moments in my life. Lots of them. But these are the list of things that made a real difference within me.

What can we learn from this ?

Well… one thing I would like to point out is to ask “what happened to you”, instead of “what is wrong with you”. I was born schizophrenic. This is my childhood mapped out pretty much. This is from 4 years of working on self, everyday on forgiving myself.

What is Self-forgiveness?
It is the process by which an individual forgives oneself for accepting and allowing self to separate from objective reality, releasing positive and negative value judgments such as good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative – as subjective interpretations of reality regarding something or someone that leads to stability as breath.

– June Roca




Have the nice day.