Tag Archives: toxic

DAY 877 – Toxicity

How am I toxic to others?

I wonder how I am, or how I can be toxic to others. This concept has been on my mind for some time now. It is a worry of sorts. It is also assuming things of another. (Remember: never ass u me)

We know today that the latin word for virus is translated to toxin and poison. So one can say that we have a world of people being toxic to each other. Aka virus.

So, yet deeper what does poison and toxin mean today in my world? It can be toxin in my food, in the air and in the water I drink. But one place we forget or refuse to look is in our thoughts and our believes of mind.

How can my own thoughts be toxic to me? Here we can open a door for some real self honesty.

Be my guest. I stand to support.

“Being toxic” is like imperfection of self. That is my core definition that I live by.

So if I care for my food and my air and my water, what else can I do to live less toxic?

I can FORGIVE all the poisonous structures and patterns in me that make me think toxic thoughts. So I start by looking at what type of polarity is representing the thought? Once I have identified the thought (construct), I look for what sort of subconscious drive that is pushing it. This means what sort of BELIEVE is behind it. Then I can start to forgive my way out of the worry and fear – that I might be toxic to others.

Off Corse I might still be toxic to some people – but that is on them. I will rather mind myself to find who is, or might be toxic to me and then take action to end the toxicity being created in me.

Self Forgiveness

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear that I might be toxic to others in my world, where I fear that there are people thinking bad thoughts about me and that dislike me, while this all can be traced back to me feeling alienated because of things such as embracing my diagnosis, or feeling old guilt from my past, and from this I create toxicity within me.

I forgive myself as my beingness my innocence that I have accepted and allowed myself to try to shift the focus and responsibility from me to others where I try to make them scapegoats, because I do not want to address it, I basically reject the whole thing and refuse to take responsibility for the concept of being/feeling toxic.

When and as I see myself thinking or focusing on toxicity, I stop, I take a deep breath and I calm myself down, and I realize that I need to dump of / sweat out / forgive /abandon – stuff/ people/ habits that are toxic to me. I commit myself to investigate further what it is that is calling on my attention of something being toxic in me. (It could be coffee…lol)

I realize that there might be people or specific situations or other type of stimuli that are alarming me of something being toxic. I commit myself to keep a eye on myself and my habits to find out what is happening to me and if there are something I can or need to do to change it.

This might be as simple (?) as to much coffee, but anything like this deserves my full attention, as I strive for a better self and a healthy life.

Anyways we all know a bit more on relations of poison, toxicity, virus and imperfection.   

Thank you for reading